Muishiki: Unconsciousness


These days Hatsumi Sensei arrives late and leaves late. It is not rare these days to finish three hours after the beginning. And Sensei explains a lot in class and during the breaks.

Sunday was no different. And Sensei is full of projects. He is getting a hundred Ninjatō swords to make an exposition. He wants to show the public how wrong scholars are about Ninpō. He is also preparing a new book with Kodansha on swords.

During class, a group of more than seventy were present. Sōke said that Dai Shihan should now train with a metal sword to understand the type of control of Mutō Dori. In the movements, he then detailed more of his understanding of “control.” Control is an essential part of Mutō Dori, but I guess that by now, you have figured it out.

Like in the previous sessions we did each technique with taijutsu, knife, hanbō, biken, and bō.

One concept he developed is “Muishiki,” unconsciousness. (1) This is the mental state where Mutō Dori can express itself. There are no more waza, no techniques.

What he does is beyond that. This also makes it very hard to explain with words. This is why in this post, I will use the words he said during training. Every quote will help you understand what “control is. It is not simple, except when he does it.

“Come close and stick to him.”
As always distance is a crucial element to master control. As there is no technique, what Sensei does is pure taijutsu. When you are afraid of the attacker, he feels it and continues even more to attack. By using “Yokeru Janai” (don’t avoid) and “Tatakai wa Janai” (don’t fight) (2), you stay close to the attacker and stick to him. This closeness forces him to react and stops his actions. Each Uke Sensei used stopped their attack after one movement. As we said earlier, they looked like suspended in mid-air. (3)

“Uke must not know what is happening, it is essential.”
Uke stops because what he faces is not logical. As Sōke is Muishiki, there is no intention he can detect. At the same time, there is no waza. Uke stops because there is no fight. He stays there because he doesn’t know what is happening. All senses are out.

“You’re not attacking or hurting him, you’re controlling.”
The quality of the control makes this lack of feeling possible. You don’t fight Uke, you position your body out of his reach but keeping contact with him. There is no fight, only control.

“Amo Isshun no Tamamushi.” (4) (5)
Ae you don’t use or show any force, Uke is not willing to attack. Sensei used the image of Amo Isshun no Tamamushi. The bee trapped between your hands will not sting because it is blind. It is unaware of what is happening.

“Remember to control within the space. Use the space within.”
Because Uke doesn’t feel, he is not threatened. You keep him controlled within the space. (6)

Muishiki is part of all that. It is like some Buddhist techniques of active meditation. You are free to move and to do whatever is possible. In Mutō Dori you are in control of yourself, of your opponent, and of your environment.

Muishiki. You are one with the universe.

1. Mu Ishiki 無意識; unconsciousness
2. On Yokeru Janai and Tatakai wa Janai see HERE
3. See more about Ubaku in Hi no Ken HERE
4. Amo Isshun no Tamamushi: 中一瞬 の 吉丁虫. 中 amo: centre, inside, during. 一瞬 isshun: one moment. 吉丁虫 tamamushi: jewel beetle
5. On Amo Isshun no Tamamushi HERE
6. Control within the space HERE
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Author: kumablog

I share here on a regular basis my thoughts about the Bujinkan martial arts, training in Japan and all over the world, and

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